9D Facilitator Details


Facilitator name:

Joanna Flis

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Certified Breatmasters Coach & 9D Breathwork Coach, Systemic Psychosomatic Recall Healing therapist, EFT trainer, mental coach (Proctor Gallagher Institute), creator of the original WHAT EMOTIONS WEIGHT? programme aimed at people with weight problems.
I am deeply passionate about life and the connection between the human body and mind.
Guiding others in exploring their emotions, mind, and body through work with mindset and somatic breathing has become my true calling, and supporting people on their healing journeys is my ultimate mission.

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About 9D Breathwork

9D Breathwork is a groundbreaking approach to wellness and healing that leverages the most advanced aspects of Breathwork, enriched with a multi-dimensional sound experience. It incorporates a blend of binaural brain entrainment, isochronic brainwave tones, solfeggio frequencies, 432Hz harmonic tuning, somatic breathwork, subliminal hypnotic therapy, guided coaching, and bioacoustic sound effects. This powerful, carefully crafted combination offers a session of Breathwork and a transformative journey designed to impact you on multiple levels of your being.